News came today of a special effects technician that was killed while working on a stunt sequence for the new Batman film.

Stuntmen and those who work supporting stunt sequences in movies deserve more credit from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Just as there should be an Oscar for Best Film Title Sequence, there should be an Oscar for Best Stunt Sequence.

Of all the crew who work on a film, who besides the stunt crew are willing to be severely injured or risk death for their art and the film? How many costume designers, make-up artists, or film composers risk their safety and well-being for their job? And how many films have crucial scenes involving stunts and would not be the same film without those sequences?

The last major push for inclusion in the Oscar ceremony came in 2005, but as was previously done since 1990, the Academy said no.

It is beyond time to recognize this hard-working, injury-suffering group of people with an Oscar.